5 Helpful Things to Know Before Your First Online Pilates Class

If someone told you that you need to try Pilates, get excited! You may not know what it is and that’s ok. Pilates is just movement, but it’s the best kind of movement. If you are nervous, that’s normal but don’t let it hold you back. There is nothing to be afraid of! I am the perfect person to teach you Pilates for the first time. Read on to know what you need to do first online Pilates class with confidence.

Pilates teaches you how your body moves and how you can move it better. You can expect to get stronger and more flexible at the same time. Pilates helps you connect your mind and body so they work better together. You work your whole body, not just your core. Pilates can be challenging exercise when you are patient and give yourself time to learn. You don’t even have to have any equipment, a lot of space or a lot of time to get a good workout with Pilates. This is a great method of exercise to do with a live teacher online. Here are some helpful things to know before your first online Pilates class.

1. Pilates has a routine so you learn the basics and build from there. If you’ve never tried Pilates before, give yourself time to learn the basics. Your first few classes might seem easy but don’t worry, it will get more challenging as you go. There is a lot to learn with Pilates. I’m not going to overwhelm you expecting you to learn it all at once. Your first few classes will be focused on learning the movement. Once you understand the movement you will learn good form. Next you learn how to make it a little more challenging then you learn new exercises to from what you already know. Pilates is about moving well, not just moving to move. When you learn how to do the basic exercises with good form, you can challenge yourself and work a little harder on the things that seem easy.

2. No one is built the same, so I help you find the right movement for YOUR body. You don’t need to compete at all in Pilates. Not with yourself, or the other people in class. I teach you to find the exact right movement for your body. So the way you do an exercise might be a little different than someone else. And that’s great! Think about it like a pizza. You probably wouldn’t get the same toppings or even the same crust as the other people in class. You may not like what they like. I will help you find the exact right movements for your taste. Sometimes I call these Pilates pizza toppings modifications. There is nothing wimpy about modifications. Modifications make the exercise work better for your body. This can help your muscles to work harder to do the exercise well. If I offer you a modification, it’s because I care. I want you to try this particular pizza topping and if you don’t like it we can find a better one to make the exercise work best for you.

3. If at first you don’t sweat, try, try again. Pilates is not a typical, try to get super sweaty and be sore for days type of exercise. At least not always at first. The first few classes you may not sweat or experience sore muscles because you are working harder in your brain to learn the movement. Once your brain understands the movement, your body will catch up. That’s when the sweat and soreness can come along. Be patient with it and keep trying. If you stick with Pilates and are consistent, it will change you and your body for the better. Pilates is like building a house. You have to build the foundation first before you can get to the exciting parts like painting and decorating. If you try to advance too quickly you will miss some of the crucial parts of the foundation. Just like you have to build the walls of a house before you can put pictures on the wall or they will fall flat. Give yourself time and the sweat will come.

4. Pilates is a mind and body exercise. Joseph Pilates wrote in his book Return to Health, "Pilates is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control over your body.” During a Pilates class I give you cues to help you do the movement in the right way for you body. Thinking about how your body is working to do the exercises, helps you to connect your brain to the movement. A client once said “Pilates is the only form of exercise where I can completely focus. When I’m doing Yoga or walking on the treadmill, I think about what I’m going to have for lunch. With Pilates I am 100% in my body and focused on the movement.”

5. This is a LIVE class not a workout video! I teach you with my words and guide you with images. I am not leaving you to fend for yourself while I workout myself. I lead the class based on your needs. I am good at helping you find the movement in your body without watching someone else exercise and trying to make that fit in your body. I do have a follow along option, if you would rather exercise with a recorded class. You can sign up here for my Pilates membership group. But, I teach online the same way I would in person. I watch your movement so I can help you find what works for you and give personalized suggestions for challenge if you want it.

I hope you feel ready take your first online Pilates class! Pilates is the best kind of movement! You will get stronger and more flexible, working your whole body in 50 minutes. Pilates is not scary. So what are you waiting for? Book an introductory private session with me now here: https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19491268&appointmentType=32438344


Pilates is Not That Scary When You Get Up Close