Pilates Membership Group

Be amazed at what your body CAN do


Believe me, it’s in there.

You are stronger than you know.

And I’m ready to help you see just how strong you are.

I’ve developed a program to help you make healthy choices into healthy habits.

Each month you have access to:


Doable Pilates Classes

Weekly 30 minute Pilates classes designed for your busy schedule. I create classes with your needs in mind and expert instruction to help you move in the best way for your body. One class with the basics is always available.

Full Body Workouts

In addition to your weekly Pilates classes, you also get a 50 minute Pilates based barre class. This is a safe and effective workout that get's the blood pumping and the sweat going. You also have access to other bonus classes periodically.


Stay connected with me for accountability and support with specific fitness goals.


Without leaving home you get:

  • Individualized, expert Pilates instruction

  • Doable workouts for your whole body

  • Instruction to help you move with a purpose to build skills

  • Accountability

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Do you need flexibility?

Do you want expert fitness instruction on your own schedule? Without judgment?

Get stronger and more flexible with the proven method of Pilates.

I created this program just for you! Join my online Pilates Based Membership group and you get all this and more!

What People Are Saying


“Taking Pilates with Heather helps me get out of my head and into my body.”

— Lani, TN


“I wanted to get back into taking ballet. Heather’s classes helped me get centered and strong so I can do this physical activity I love again!”

— Tracy, WA

“Heather helped me change my body and my life in so many ways. I’m incredibly grateful I found her.”

— Maggie, TN


“Heather is the best! She’s taught me not to beat myself up but to lean into the process so I can get where I want to be!”

— Mary Beth, NJ

What exactly is Pilates?

Pilates is a full body workout. It’s not just about core strength. Pilates helps you get stronger and gain control of your body. You learn to work from your center to increase strength, stability and flexibility throughout your body. You feel less pain in your hips from sitting at your desk all day. You will find more energy to play with your kids after work.

Do you want to feel stronger and learn to trust your body? Do you want it to show up for you when you need it? With Pilates, I can help you find the exact right movement for you so you are stronger. I help you create subtle changes in your movement to create big changes in your body.

Do you want to see real changes in your body? Doing the class two to three times per week will help you get stronger and more flexible. I help you find simple solutions to make movement right for your body and level of challenge. After a decade of teaching, I can help you with many physical challenges. From preparing for and healing from labor to setting yourself up for successful hip and knee replacement surgery.

Feel better in your body and learn how to move in the best way for you! Membership is open for enrollment for a limited time. Join today for $67 a month.

Want to know more?

EMAIL hollowayheather@mac.com

PHONE 646-610-3257

Join the Circle today!